ImageWorks Dental CBCT and Panoramic X-Ray System has multiple fields of view from 6 cm x 4 cm up to 16 cm x 8 cm. Ideal for all applications including Endo|Implants and Airway.
The sensor used in a Dental CBCT or panoramic system is like the engine of an automobile: the component that defines the system’s performance. You are investing a lot of your hard-earned money in this piece of equipment. Do you know what’s under the hood?
0.2 mm focal spot (smallest in the industry)
16 bit sensor (highest in the industry)
Direct Conversion sensor
Manufactured in Japan
Clip FMX from Panoramic
Easy to Use and a Great Price
Integrates with all Major Software
Multiple Fields of View from 6 cm x 4 cm up to 16 cm x 8 cm
Ideal for all applications including Endo, Implants and Airway
Gorgeous Image quality at all levels
Low dosage mode emits less radiation than a traditional intraoral FMX exam
3D Viewer Screen from ImageWorks’ Panoura X-era X-ray System
2D Panoramic and Ceph Images in Ultra HD
Direct Conversion Sensor avoids extra transition step that degrades image quality with most panoramic x-ray sensors
TMJ and bitewings
Captures over 50 different panoramic layers in every scan so that even if technique is less than perfect, a fantastic image can be achieved
16 bit sensor creates best-in-class contrast resolution
2D images integrate with most major imaging software platforms
3D images viewed throughout the office
3D volumes are DICOM standard so can easily be imported into most major 3D imaging software, or used with any lab service
3D volume can be converted to STL format
Colleagues can view 3D volumes sent to them even if they have no software other than Windows
Front-viewing patient positioning
Ceph model has option of dedicated ceph sensor
360 degree rotation
Intuitive interface means less training and no mistakes
Simple positioning also enhances patient comfort
Integrates with all Major Software
Sample Images
Sample Images:
0.2 Focal Spot0.5 Focal SpotImage of an airwayCephalic Image using ImageWorks’ Panoura 18S
EVAsoft Dental Image Management software meets the imaging demands of today’s digital practices. A sophisticated software that is easy to learn and simple to operate, EVAsoft has all of the advanced features necessary to deliver rapid, effective diagnoses from multiple imaging modalities. Also, whether your practice management is Dentrix, Eaglesoft, OpenDental, or any other major software platform, EVAsoft integrates seamlessly.
EVAsoft Attributes:
Easy-to-Use with Simple Tab Navigation
Automatic X-Ray Sequence Selection
Automatic Image Save Function
Endodontic Exposure Mode
Decay and Abscess Detection Tool
Automatic Image Contrast Enhancement
View X-Rays while modifying Practice Management charts
Easily send X-Rays to Insurance Companies and Referring Physicians
Integrates with All Major Practice Management Software
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